I've been thinking a lot about what I say as a parent about my kids and what I agree with that other people say. Sometimes I laugh and agree with things that others say that I don't actually agree with at all- usually to keep the peace or to not make it an awkward moment...
And I just don't feel ok with this...but I'm not usually the type to say something in the moment- like:
"please don't say that about her...
Don't tell me I can't handle my kids while I'm shopping...
Or that they are a hand full...
Don't tell me I'm going to have problems with my fiery-red-head...
Or that I'll have to lock her away...
Or that I've got a heart breaker..."
I have been entrusted with 4 beautiful children. And even though I will not flat out tell people that I disagree with them, I can CHOOSE to agree with the truth. I can CHOOSE to listen to what God is saying about my kids and then treat them and raise them accordingly.
-Declaring out and over them how special they are and who God has created them be.
-Reminding them of their amazing gifts and talents.
And when I recognize patterns that bring worry-
perhaps my kids are being mean to others, getting picked on, not being able to stand up for what is right or for themselves...
I will not partner with these actions, I will not let my fear and beliefs make this my or their reality.
What I focus on will be reproduced. So I will focus on who God has called them to be and what He says about them and I will give them tools for how to face problems that arise.
Thank you Jesus, that it is not an impossibility to be a good parent and to raise these children in a godly way. That You have given me everything I need.